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What would happen if I took my own advice?

Reading Time: 5 Mins

The question for the ages is this:

What would happen if I took my own advice?

Well, to tell you the truth, I would probably be a full-time travel and lifestyle blogger who quit her job to pursue a career she was passionate about…

This girl would be living in France with her French beau exploring the beautiful countries there.

So why am I not doing those things?

Well because I know how to give advice, but I clearly don’t know how to take it.

I am what you call a ….

I am the one standing in my own way.

On Instagram, I post a lot about self-love and overcoming fear and yet I have the hardest time overcoming MY fears.

The what ifs, the well maybe’s.

It’s quite annoying actually.

I have always let fear get the best of me, ever since I was a little girl.

From a young age, I was in love with the performing arts, with singing, acting, dancing and all that jazz. (If you know, you know;))

I would belt songs out in the comfort of my bedroom, I would practice my parts in plays nailing my lines (emotions included) and yet when the time came and I had an audience in front of me, fear would set in.

I would not belt the songs out, but instead, they would come out in a quivering whisper.

My voice would shake, my knees would shake, well who am I kidding my whole body would be shaking. I would perform at a fraction of what I knew I was capable of doing and I couldn’t help it.

For whatever reason, I was afraid.

Still I pushed on and even applied for a theatre school named Wexford Collegiate.

I went to the audition and I actually got in!

The time came for me to decide whether I would go to a school where I could hone my performing skills or whether I would go to the same high school with all my friends and continue on in French immersion.

I’m sure you know which option I chose.

*Rolls eyes*

Despite my love for the performing arts, I let fear get the best of me and I went with “the more comfortable” option.

Life could have been so different had I chose to follow my passion instead of my friends and what was familiar.

I don’t dwell on it too much though because some of the choices I made, even back then, led me to the best people in my life today.

My group of girlfriends that I formed way back then are still some of the most important people in my life today.

My sisters from another mister.

I still performed in my high schools’ various musicals, and I took drama, vocal and guitar classes throughout the years. And I shakily performed my way through each and every one.

I can say that even then, I felt the fear but I did it anyway.


After my first all-inclusive trip, I developed my love for travel.

And then meeting Yann (the French beau) in Cuba back in 2016 catapulted my need to travel.


I faced a huge fear and travelled all the way to Europe by myself to meet him after knowing him for only 2 months. And of those two months, only 5 days of them were face to face and literally only when we had first met in Cuba.

Last year, he and I travelled to Bali and hiked up Mt. Batur at 4 o’clock in the morning in complete darkness.

I was terrified.

I knew I would be terrified before we even began but I knew it would be worth it. I knew the view we would have at the top would totally make up for the heart-stopping steps taken to get there.

You see, there are some things I have done in spite of the fear.

However, in the grand scheme of things, they were minute in comparison to these big things I am trying to tackle.

There’s this great divide in my head and in my heart of desperately wanting one thing but doing something totally different.

Well, when will enough be enough?

Because I am tired of myself.


I literally preach that if you want something bad enough, you WILL work towards it.

If you want something bad enough, there is nothing that will stop you from achieving it as long as you put in the work.

Do the time, face the fear, but just do the damn thing.

So why is it so hard when it comes to my career.

My life.

My happiness.

It should be easy right?

I know the steps to be taken, yet my feet don’t seem to be able to lift up off the ground.

Like wtf Shylo?!

Haha someone send help!

Someone to constantly push me and tell me that I need to get my sh@$ together and to forget about that stupid thing called fear.

The thing that we build up in our minds that stops us from doing the very things we love.

Well, I’m tired of letting fear win.

So I’ll continue to work on my dreams and my goals, I’ll continue to tackle these little hurdles one by one and just get sh@$ done.

If I am going to live the life of my dreams, then fear has no place here.

Fear WILL have no place here.

It’s time I start taking my own advice.

Until next time, stay blessed ♡


Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself

-Marcus Tullius Cincero

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What would happen if I took my own advice?

What would happen if I took my own advice?

Reading Time: 5 Mins

The question for the ages is this:

What would happen if I took my own advice?

Well, to tell you the truth, I would probably be a full-time travel and lifestyle blogger who quit her job to pursue a career she was passionate about…

This girl would be living in France with her French beau exploring the beautiful countries there.

So why am I not doing those things?

Well because I know how to give advice, but I clearly don’t know how to take it.

I am what you call a ….

I am the one standing in my own way.

On Instagram, I post a lot about self-love and overcoming fear and yet I have the hardest time overcoming MY fears.

The what ifs, the well maybe’s.

It’s quite annoying actually.

I have always let fear get the best of me, ever since I was a little girl.

From a young age, I was in love with the performing arts, with singing, acting, dancing and all that jazz. (If you know, you know;))

I would belt songs out in the comfort of my bedroom, I would practice my parts in plays nailing my lines (emotions included) and yet when the time came and I had an audience in front of me, fear would set in.

I would not belt the songs out, but instead, they would come out in a quivering whisper.

My voice would shake, my knees would shake, well who am I kidding my whole body would be shaking. I would perform at a fraction of what I knew I was capable of doing and I couldn’t help it.

For whatever reason, I was afraid.

Still I pushed on and even applied for a theatre school named Wexford Collegiate.

I went to the audition and I actually got in!

The time came for me to decide whether I would go to a school where I could hone my performing skills or whether I would go to the same high school with all my friends and continue on in French immersion.

I’m sure you know which option I chose.

*Rolls eyes*

Despite my love for the performing arts, I let fear get the best of me and I went with “the more comfortable” option.

Life could have been so different had I chose to follow my passion instead of my friends and what was familiar.

I don’t dwell on it too much though because some of the choices I made, even back then, led me to the best people in my life today.

My group of girlfriends that I formed way back then are still some of the most important people in my life today.

My sisters from another mister.

I still performed in my high schools’ various musicals, and I took drama, vocal and guitar classes throughout the years. And I shakily performed my way through each and every one.

I can say that even then, I felt the fear but I did it anyway.


After my first all-inclusive trip, I developed my love for travel.

And then meeting Yann (the French beau) in Cuba back in 2016 catapulted my need to travel.


I faced a huge fear and travelled all the way to Europe by myself to meet him after knowing him for only 2 months. And of those two months, only 5 days of them were face to face and literally only when we had first met in Cuba.

Last year, he and I travelled to Bali and hiked up Mt. Batur at 4 o’clock in the morning in complete darkness.

I was terrified.

I knew I would be terrified before we even began but I knew it would be worth it. I knew the view we would have at the top would totally make up for the heart-stopping steps taken to get there.

You see, there are some things I have done in spite of the fear.

However, in the grand scheme of things, they were minute in comparison to these big things I am trying to tackle.

There’s this great divide in my head and in my heart of desperately wanting one thing but doing something totally different.

Well, when will enough be enough?

Because I am tired of myself.


I literally preach that if you want something bad enough, you WILL work towards it.

If you want something bad enough, there is nothing that will stop you from achieving it as long as you put in the work.

Do the time, face the fear, but just do the damn thing.

So why is it so hard when it comes to my career.

My life.

My happiness.

It should be easy right?

I know the steps to be taken, yet my feet don’t seem to be able to lift up off the ground.

Like wtf Shylo?!

Haha someone send help!

Someone to constantly push me and tell me that I need to get my sh@$ together and to forget about that stupid thing called fear.

The thing that we build up in our minds that stops us from doing the very things we love.

Well, I’m tired of letting fear win.

So I’ll continue to work on my dreams and my goals, I’ll continue to tackle these little hurdles one by one and just get sh@$ done.

If I am going to live the life of my dreams, then fear has no place here.

Fear WILL have no place here.

It’s time I start taking my own advice.

Until next time, stay blessed ♡


Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself

-Marcus Tullius Cincero

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What would happen if I took my own advice?