A little background on how I started travelling…
I’ve been travelling since I was a little girl.
Every summer, my dad would drive down from the States to pick up my sisters and me, and he would take us to visit new destinations throughout the U.S.
We mainly visited Alabama, as that’s where he lived, but we also got to visit Washington, Texas, Florida, and even went on a cruise to the Bahamas. But I was honestly just too young to realize just how awesome these experiences we were having truly were.
A new appreciation for travel
Now that I’m older I am able to really appreciate the beauty and the adventure of each place I visit.
Back in 2009, I went on my first “grown-up” vacation with my friend to Cancun, Mexico and I had the most amazing time.
It was my first all-inclusive vacation and as an adult, I could take full advantage of all the benefits that come with an all-inclusive package if you know what I mean (sips my strawberry daiquiri).
From that moment on, it was over. I vowed to try and go on at least one vacation a year and I’ve pretty much been able to keep that promise to myself.
A new love….of travel
In 2016, while on a birthday trip in Cuba, I met a French dude named Yann who later became my boyfriend. As he lived in France, we did A LOT of travelling back and forth and a new intense love of travel began.
I’ve now explored 20 different countries including visiting some of the lovely provinces in my very own country of Canada.
I’ve only dipped my toe into the huge pool that is our world but I have big plans to change that toe-dip into a huge cannonball making the biggest splash I possibly can.
In sharing my experiences with you, I hope you will learn something from them, whether it be what to do or what not to do.
I hope to inspire you, either to get out there and see the world (if you haven’t started already) or give you some ideas for places to go and things to do that you may not have thought of before.
Click to explore the destinations below
I’m so excited to add more destinations to this page.
Not so long ago, I came home from the biggest trip of my life. I visited Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Bali, Australia, and New Zealand! I have a crazy amount of new content coming and I’m so excited to share it with you. Stay tuned as I’ll be uploading new stories and photos every week!