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My one month Blogiversary

Less than 1 minute Reading Time: Mins

One month ago, I officially embarked on this new endeavor that is Simply Blessed Shy.

I launched and announced my new blogging relationship to the world.

It was a super scary and thrilling experience hitting that publish button. I was hella excited and hopeful, and just a little uncertain of what our future together would be.

Yes is true, I am one those people who like to celebrate the small milestones in a relationship.

I’m not as crazy about counting the months as I was when I was younger but I still like to make note of it from time to time.

Now I’m not going to do this every month but I definitely wanted to celebrate and document how my first month of blogging went.

There are a lot of things that I learned so far and a lot that I’m still learning as I go.

This post is going to be short and sweet and right to the point so I can get back to creating more content!

My one-month blogging anniverysary and reviewOne month Blogging Anniversary


#1 Blogging is hard work

There is so much work that goes into starting and building a blog from scratch.

Then once your blog is finished you have to go about promoting it and setting up all your social media pages.

You also need to continuously be creating new content, whether it’s new posts or graphics.

All that takes a crap ton of time and dedication but I think it’s necessary to try to have multiple platforms that can help send traffic to your blog and help get your name out there.

#2 Getting traffic to my website will take strategy

I didn’t get a lot of page views like some of these other bloggers I’ve read posts on.

The ones who manage to start making money, get a lot of traffic and even comments during their first month.

Seriously though, I would love to know these bloggers secrets on how they had such success so quickly so I can copy them!


Now I didn’t think I would get a lot of traffic right away, but I did have high hopes even though the logical side of me knew better. I am, however, confident that I will get there within the next couple of months.

#3 Playing the comparison game is a nono

It’s so easy to get discouraged when comparing your blog to other successful blogs and so I try my hardest not too.

I have to remind myself that they once started where I am.

These successful bloggers put in the work, time and effort to grow and build their blogs to where they are today.

I can’t expect to have as much content on my site or as much experience as they do because I just started out.

I’m a brand spankin’ newbie!

So once I keep reminding myself that, it makes it a lot easier to be proud of what I have accomplished so far and it also gives me that extra push to continue on in the hopes of one day getting to their level.

I’m pretty confident that I will too because I believe in myself and in what I have created here.

One month Blogging Anniversary

Related: How to start a blog

#4 Set a schedule

When I started out, my goal was to publish posts twice a week, which would normally be on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

I’ve been able to stick to that schedule, for the most part but I have found it to be a little hard with all the other things going on in my life (these last two weeks have been crazy hectic).

I want to have a lot of content up on the site so that there’s a healthy amount to search through, but as I work another job, and have other obligations, I work on the blog around those hours.

Often times, I’m up real late or super early trying to get posts finished, or get some research in. Although it’s not ideal, I know it’s what I have to do right now. And I’m okay with that.

Because I know it’s only for right now.

I’m still learning to set a proper schedule for myself and I’m actually going to try having set days when I work on the blog and have set days just for other stuff.

#5 I stopped having (making) time for all the other stuff

I’ve pretty much given up on watching my fav shows on tv and haven’t picked up my books that I so loved to read since starting Simply Blessed Shy.

I really want to get back to that.

While I love working on the blog, I think it’s also important not to let the other things I love to do fall by the wayside.

Therefore I’m hoping to create a balanced schedule where I can include my favorite hobbies as well as some healthy blog time that will work for me.

One month Blogging Anniversary

#6 Slow progress is better than no progress

Honestly, starting a blog has been a lot of work so far.

Blogging is legit a full time gig.

I’m happy with my progress so far and I’m excited to see my blog fill up with some more awesome content, grow and hopefully gain some new readers and even help some people out.

At the end of the day, my main goal was to share my experiences, offer some tips, and inspire others to be the best versions of themselves.

To travel and just live life to the fullest.

That’s why I started this thing and that’s why I will continue, because I have so much more to share.

This blogging thing is a lot of work and it can definitely get frustrating at times, but it’s something that I’m crazy passionate about.

This is my baby and I want it to succeed, so I have no problem putting in the work that is required to achieve my goals.

So cheers to making it one month and cheers to many, many, many more months of blogging in the future!


Are you a new blogger or have been blogging for a while now? Tell me in the comments below what you’re struggling with, what you found hard or even easy when you started you blog. 


Until next time! Stay Blessed ♡


Good things come to those who wait

Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up

Like what you read? Pin Me!


Do you want to start your own blog? Here are some good reads to get you started!

How to start a blog

10 Essential Wordpress Plugins ever blogger needs

Starting a blog- What they didn’t tell you

Be sure to check out my blogging resources page as well for some more tips

My one month Blogiversary

Less than 1 minute Reading Time: Mins

One month ago, I officially embarked on this new endeavor that is Simply Blessed Shy.

I launched and announced my new blogging relationship to the world.

It was a super scary and thrilling experience hitting that publish button. I was hella excited and hopeful, and just a little uncertain of what our future together would be.

Yes is true, I am one those people who like to celebrate the small milestones in a relationship.

I’m not as crazy about counting the months as I was when I was younger but I still like to make note of it from time to time.

Now I’m not going to do this every month but I definitely wanted to celebrate and document how my first month of blogging went.

There are a lot of things that I learned so far and a lot that I’m still learning as I go.

This post is going to be short and sweet and right to the point so I can get back to creating more content!

My one-month blogging anniverysary and reviewOne month Blogging Anniversary


#1 Blogging is hard work

There is so much work that goes into starting and building a blog from scratch.

Then once your blog is finished you have to go about promoting it and setting up all your social media pages.

You also need to continuously be creating new content, whether it’s new posts or graphics.

All that takes a crap ton of time and dedication but I think it’s necessary to try to have multiple platforms that can help send traffic to your blog and help get your name out there.

#2 Getting traffic to my website will take strategy

I didn’t get a lot of page views like some of these other bloggers I’ve read posts on.

The ones who manage to start making money, get a lot of traffic and even comments during their first month.

Seriously though, I would love to know these bloggers secrets on how they had such success so quickly so I can copy them!


Now I didn’t think I would get a lot of traffic right away, but I did have high hopes even though the logical side of me knew better. I am, however, confident that I will get there within the next couple of months.

#3 Playing the comparison game is a nono

It’s so easy to get discouraged when comparing your blog to other successful blogs and so I try my hardest not too.

I have to remind myself that they once started where I am.

These successful bloggers put in the work, time and effort to grow and build their blogs to where they are today.

I can’t expect to have as much content on my site or as much experience as they do because I just started out.

I’m a brand spankin’ newbie!

So once I keep reminding myself that, it makes it a lot easier to be proud of what I have accomplished so far and it also gives me that extra push to continue on in the hopes of one day getting to their level.

I’m pretty confident that I will too because I believe in myself and in what I have created here.

One month Blogging Anniversary

Related: How to start a blog

#4 Set a schedule

When I started out, my goal was to publish posts twice a week, which would normally be on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

I’ve been able to stick to that schedule, for the most part but I have found it to be a little hard with all the other things going on in my life (these last two weeks have been crazy hectic).

I want to have a lot of content up on the site so that there’s a healthy amount to search through, but as I work another job, and have other obligations, I work on the blog around those hours.

Often times, I’m up real late or super early trying to get posts finished, or get some research in. Although it’s not ideal, I know it’s what I have to do right now. And I’m okay with that.

Because I know it’s only for right now.

I’m still learning to set a proper schedule for myself and I’m actually going to try having set days when I work on the blog and have set days just for other stuff.

#5 I stopped having (making) time for all the other stuff

I’ve pretty much given up on watching my fav shows on tv and haven’t picked up my books that I so loved to read since starting Simply Blessed Shy.

I really want to get back to that.

While I love working on the blog, I think it’s also important not to let the other things I love to do fall by the wayside.

Therefore I’m hoping to create a balanced schedule where I can include my favorite hobbies as well as some healthy blog time that will work for me.

One month Blogging Anniversary

#6 Slow progress is better than no progress

Honestly, starting a blog has been a lot of work so far.

Blogging is legit a full time gig.

I’m happy with my progress so far and I’m excited to see my blog fill up with some more awesome content, grow and hopefully gain some new readers and even help some people out.

At the end of the day, my main goal was to share my experiences, offer some tips, and inspire others to be the best versions of themselves.

To travel and just live life to the fullest.

That’s why I started this thing and that’s why I will continue, because I have so much more to share.

This blogging thing is a lot of work and it can definitely get frustrating at times, but it’s something that I’m crazy passionate about.

This is my baby and I want it to succeed, so I have no problem putting in the work that is required to achieve my goals.

So cheers to making it one month and cheers to many, many, many more months of blogging in the future!


Are you a new blogger or have been blogging for a while now? Tell me in the comments below what you’re struggling with, what you found hard or even easy when you started you blog. 


Until next time! Stay Blessed ♡


Good things come to those who wait

Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up

Like what you read? Pin Me!


Do you want to start your own blog? Here are some good reads to get you started!

How to start a blog

10 Essential Wordpress Plugins ever blogger needs

Starting a blog- What they didn’t tell you

Be sure to check out my blogging resources page as well for some more tips