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A hike to Cataract Falls in Forks of Credit Provincial Park

Reading Time: 5 Mins

In the Forks of Credit Provincial Park area, you’ll find several trails you can hike.

My day started off visiting the Cheltenham Badlands with one of my best friends (Sofhia) and my boyfriend (Yann) who was visiting from France. This was one of the first of many activities we planned to do over the summer, a sort of summer bucket list if you will.

We had planned to hike a trail just beside the Badlands, but after about 20 mins on that trail, we nixed it.

There were too many mosquitoes trying to eat us up and we were not having that, so we decided to try out a different hike not too far away.

Hiking to Cataract Falls


A short drive led us to the start of our hike.

After looking at the map, we decided to hike the meadow trail (the red line) that would lead us to a viewpoint over the Cataract falls.

The trail was honestly so perfectly named as the beginning of the trail lead us through a lovely meadow with some beautiful flowers and butterflies decorating it. 

We walked around Kettle lake where we decided to get up close and personal with it. We saw a short trail leading right to the waters edge and took it. We got a nice little surprise when we spotted a bunch of small spotted frogs. There were so many of them!\"Yellow



\"Forks \"Forks

After testing out my portrait mode on the frogs with my google pixel (seriously, I love my phone) and my friend tested out her new phone\’s micro lens she just purchased from amazon, we continued on our hike.

The path took us through some more heavily wooded area but luckily we were not bothered by any mosquitoes.

There were about two places in the trail where we had a bit of a steep incline and then an equally steep decline as we neared the end of the trail. Not anything any average hiker couldn\’t handle though.

The trail was easy to follow as there were signs every so often leading us to our destination. \"Forks


The falls

Now I’m not going to lie, when we got to the view point, it was kind of disappointing. We couldn’t really see the falls. Yann and Sofhia are both much taller than me so their vantage point was a bit better than mine as I’m vertically challenged at 5’1. But they couldn’t make that much out either.

This was the viewpoint, I thought? Big womp.

At least the walk over was a nice one, so I can’t really say it wasn’t all for nothing.


We started our walk back when Yann hopped up on some higher ground where he reported the view was much better than where we were before (still not great though).

He snapped a few photos for me and then we set off again to make our way back up the trail.

*Quick side story*

Walking back through the meadow, I was literally was followed all the way back by a fly. At first I thought it was a big bee, it was buzzing so loud by my ear non stop, despite all my attempts to swat it away. I mean this thing would not leave me alone. I literally started running to try to get away from it, I never felt so targeted in my life. A little dramatic, I know but my feelings are my feelings. Fight me. Just kidding. Anyway, I thought I lost it and started walking again only to have it come back! Away I ran again and this, I time lost it. Points for me. I got a little workout in too, you know, because of all the running haha.

I had made a note on the walk over to take some pictures in the field because it looked so pretty on our way back from the falls, but I totally forgot.

Another womp. I should have done it on the way there when I first noticed it. Ah well, such is life.

All in all, this hike was very nice. It wasn’t too challenging and the scenery switched up a few times to keep things interesting. 

If you are ever in the Caledon area ( or not, but you can still drive over!), I would definitely recommend visiting the Forks Credit Provincial Park area and get your hike on.


After getting some physical activity in, you know your stomach is going to telling you to feed it. I suggest heading over to the Red Onion before you zip out of town.

The service was great, the burgers were fresh and the cheesecake was bomb! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in the food if you go. And it’s always good to support family run businesses over the big food chain restaurants.

I was contemplating driving all the way back just for the food…even though I probably won’t haha.

Until next time, stay blessed ♡


In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.

-John Muir

Like what you read? Pin me!

This post is part of my summer of fun series. Click here to read my summer of fun blog post, here to read about the Badlands that led to this hike, and here to read about my trip to Terre Blue Lavender farm. Make sure you’re making the most of your summer!


A hike to Cataract Falls in Forks of Credit Provincial Park

Reading Time: 5 Mins

In the Forks of Credit Provincial Park area, you’ll find several trails you can hike.

My day started off visiting the Cheltenham Badlands with one of my best friends (Sofhia) and my boyfriend (Yann) who was visiting from France. This was one of the first of many activities we planned to do over the summer, a sort of summer bucket list if you will.

We had planned to hike a trail just beside the Badlands, but after about 20 mins on that trail, we nixed it.

There were too many mosquitoes trying to eat us up and we were not having that, so we decided to try out a different hike not too far away.

Hiking to Cataract Falls


A short drive led us to the start of our hike.

After looking at the map, we decided to hike the meadow trail (the red line) that would lead us to a viewpoint over the Cataract falls.

The trail was honestly so perfectly named as the beginning of the trail lead us through a lovely meadow with some beautiful flowers and butterflies decorating it. 

We walked around Kettle lake where we decided to get up close and personal with it. We saw a short trail leading right to the waters edge and took it. We got a nice little surprise when we spotted a bunch of small spotted frogs. There were so many of them!\"Yellow



\"Forks \"Forks

After testing out my portrait mode on the frogs with my google pixel (seriously, I love my phone) and my friend tested out her new phone\’s micro lens she just purchased from amazon, we continued on our hike.

The path took us through some more heavily wooded area but luckily we were not bothered by any mosquitoes.

There were about two places in the trail where we had a bit of a steep incline and then an equally steep decline as we neared the end of the trail. Not anything any average hiker couldn\’t handle though.

The trail was easy to follow as there were signs every so often leading us to our destination. \"Forks


The falls

Now I’m not going to lie, when we got to the view point, it was kind of disappointing. We couldn’t really see the falls. Yann and Sofhia are both much taller than me so their vantage point was a bit better than mine as I’m vertically challenged at 5’1. But they couldn’t make that much out either.

This was the viewpoint, I thought? Big womp.

At least the walk over was a nice one, so I can’t really say it wasn’t all for nothing.


We started our walk back when Yann hopped up on some higher ground where he reported the view was much better than where we were before (still not great though).

He snapped a few photos for me and then we set off again to make our way back up the trail.

*Quick side story*

Walking back through the meadow, I was literally was followed all the way back by a fly. At first I thought it was a big bee, it was buzzing so loud by my ear non stop, despite all my attempts to swat it away. I mean this thing would not leave me alone. I literally started running to try to get away from it, I never felt so targeted in my life. A little dramatic, I know but my feelings are my feelings. Fight me. Just kidding. Anyway, I thought I lost it and started walking again only to have it come back! Away I ran again and this, I time lost it. Points for me. I got a little workout in too, you know, because of all the running haha.

I had made a note on the walk over to take some pictures in the field because it looked so pretty on our way back from the falls, but I totally forgot.

Another womp. I should have done it on the way there when I first noticed it. Ah well, such is life.

All in all, this hike was very nice. It wasn’t too challenging and the scenery switched up a few times to keep things interesting. 

If you are ever in the Caledon area ( or not, but you can still drive over!), I would definitely recommend visiting the Forks Credit Provincial Park area and get your hike on.


After getting some physical activity in, you know your stomach is going to telling you to feed it. I suggest heading over to the Red Onion before you zip out of town.

The service was great, the burgers were fresh and the cheesecake was bomb! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed in the food if you go. And it’s always good to support family run businesses over the big food chain restaurants.

I was contemplating driving all the way back just for the food…even though I probably won’t haha.

Until next time, stay blessed ♡


In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.

-John Muir

Like what you read? Pin me!

This post is part of my summer of fun series. Click here to read my summer of fun blog post, here to read about the Badlands that led to this hike, and here to read about my trip to Terre Blue Lavender farm. Make sure you’re making the most of your summer!