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I know where I’ve been – A song and a message

Less than 1 minute Reading Time: Mins

A song and a message from me about how I feel about the things going on in the world today and the Black lives Matter movement.

I am lending my voice and my platform to the black lives matter movement. I am doing my part and shedding light, educating myself, and sharing resources to help further the cause.


I am doing something a little different today.

If you’ve been to my blog a few times and especially have read my about me page, you’ll know I’m a multi-faceted person.

My first love was the arts. I love singing and acting and I actually wanted a career in the arts when I was younger….

We won’t go into all those deets right now but if you want to know more, check out my journey post.

The reason I’m even bringing all that up is because this post is going to have very little writing.

I’m going to sharing a video with you instead.

A song and a message about Black Lives Matter

Singing is and has always been my passion. I sing all day every day, I kid you not. I’m not amazing at it, I go off-key from time to time, but it brings me joy.

This video I’m sharing with you today is one of me singing.

I actually posted this video on my main Instagram page but I wanted to share it here along with the caption I wrote.

I made this video because of recent events and the whole #blacklivesmatter movement.

June was a hella tough month, emotionally.

With all the atrocities coming to light and literally EVERYONE posting about it and sharing, it really weighed me down, and so I wanted to sing about it.

I won’t say much more, but I plan to add a BLM resource page in the near future and possibly more posts like this.

So without further ado…


There’s a lot of hurt and anger going around right now because of the atrocities being done.

I can’t always put into words how I’m feeling and so I normally stay quiet.

But silence is also a sign of surrender.

I do not surrender. We do not surrender. 

When hate is loud, love cannot be silent.

So instead of staying silent, I’m sharing important posts I see, I’m donating, I’m trying to do MY part so that change can start to happen. 

I’m sharing this song that says perfectly what I can’t.

This song sung imperfectly. 

Don’t focus on the missed notes or the slight strain. Focus on the message.

And do your part.

We cannot be silent anymore.


Until next time, stay blessed ♡


If you’re tired of hearing about racism, imagine how tired some people are of experiencing it.

Like what you saw here? Pin Me!

I know where I’ve been – A song and a message

Less than 1 minute Reading Time: Mins

A song and a message from me about how I feel about the things going on in the world today and the Black lives Matter movement.

I am lending my voice and my platform to the black lives matter movement. I am doing my part and shedding light, educating myself, and sharing resources to help further the cause.


I am doing something a little different today.

If you’ve been to my blog a few times and especially have read my about me page, you’ll know I’m a multi-faceted person.

My first love was the arts. I love singing and acting and I actually wanted a career in the arts when I was younger….

We won’t go into all those deets right now but if you want to know more, check out my journey post.

The reason I’m even bringing all that up is because this post is going to have very little writing.

I’m going to sharing a video with you instead.

A song and a message about Black Lives Matter

Singing is and has always been my passion. I sing all day every day, I kid you not. I’m not amazing at it, I go off-key from time to time, but it brings me joy.

This video I’m sharing with you today is one of me singing.

I actually posted this video on my main Instagram page but I wanted to share it here along with the caption I wrote.

I made this video because of recent events and the whole #blacklivesmatter movement.

June was a hella tough month, emotionally.

With all the atrocities coming to light and literally EVERYONE posting about it and sharing, it really weighed me down, and so I wanted to sing about it.

I won’t say much more, but I plan to add a BLM resource page in the near future and possibly more posts like this.

So without further ado…


There’s a lot of hurt and anger going around right now because of the atrocities being done.

I can’t always put into words how I’m feeling and so I normally stay quiet.

But silence is also a sign of surrender.

I do not surrender. We do not surrender. 

When hate is loud, love cannot be silent.

So instead of staying silent, I’m sharing important posts I see, I’m donating, I’m trying to do MY part so that change can start to happen. 

I’m sharing this song that says perfectly what I can’t.

This song sung imperfectly. 

Don’t focus on the missed notes or the slight strain. Focus on the message.

And do your part.

We cannot be silent anymore.


Until next time, stay blessed ♡


If you’re tired of hearing about racism, imagine how tired some people are of experiencing it.

Like what you saw here? Pin Me!