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Reading Time: 2 Mins

I used to get teased for my black skin

Not all the time but just enough to leave a lasting mark.

I grew up in a predominantly white school just like many other black children will probably say. I didn’t see too many other kids who looked like me. My school was pretty multicultural, but still, people of colour were very much the minorities.

Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of people who looked like me to look up to and it resulted in me hating my skin colour. Hate is a strong word, and I try not to use it lightly. But as a young girl who only hung around mostly white people and got called “tar” on more than one occasion, could you expect me to feel any other way?

It’s hard writing these words but I feel the need to express myself. My throat is tight and I feel tears threatening in the backs of my eyes.

Racism has never not been an issue. 

Slavery ended but racism lived on. 

I’m sure my “friends” back in elementary school didn’t know how much their words hurt and that they were, in fact, being racist. They said it jokingly after all.

It’s taken me many years to be comfortable in my own skin. To love the person I see looking back at me in the mirror. Some days, I still struggle.

I wish I had the influence and the resources available today when I was young.

To see so many beautiful black and proud women of colour stepping up on social media, speaking out and showing the world how amazingly diverse, beautifully stunning, and powerful we are. 

While #growingupblack was sometimes difficult, it made me the strong person I am today.

Today I can say I am proud of my skin colour and I wouldn’t want to change it for the world.

Over the next while, I will be uploading more stories on what it’s like to be black and the trials and struggles we as black people face. 

Be sure to check out the other Black lives matter posts up as well!

15 powerful Black lives matter quotes

I know where I’ve been – A song and a message

Until next time, Stay blessed ♡  


She is Black Girl excellence. She is me.

Like what you read? Pin Me!

If you’re on Instagram, be sure to check out the Black lives matter page and use university google to continue learning!

Reading Time: 2 Mins

I used to get teased for my black skin

Not all the time but just enough to leave a lasting mark.

I grew up in a predominantly white school just like many other black children will probably say. I didn’t see too many other kids who looked like me. My school was pretty multicultural, but still, people of colour were very much the minorities.

Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of people who looked like me to look up to and it resulted in me hating my skin colour. Hate is a strong word, and I try not to use it lightly. But as a young girl who only hung around mostly white people and got called “tar” on more than one occasion, could you expect me to feel any other way?

It’s hard writing these words but I feel the need to express myself. My throat is tight and I feel tears threatening in the backs of my eyes.

Racism has never not been an issue. 

Slavery ended but racism lived on. 

I’m sure my “friends” back in elementary school didn’t know how much their words hurt and that they were, in fact, being racist. They said it jokingly after all.

It’s taken me many years to be comfortable in my own skin. To love the person I see looking back at me in the mirror. Some days, I still struggle.

I wish I had the influence and the resources available today when I was young.

To see so many beautiful black and proud women of colour stepping up on social media, speaking out and showing the world how amazingly diverse, beautifully stunning, and powerful we are. 

While #growingupblack was sometimes difficult, it made me the strong person I am today.

Today I can say I am proud of my skin colour and I wouldn’t want to change it for the world.

Over the next while, I will be uploading more stories on what it’s like to be black and the trials and struggles we as black people face. 

Be sure to check out the other Black lives matter posts up as well!

15 powerful Black lives matter quotes

I know where I’ve been – A song and a message

Until next time, Stay blessed ♡  


She is Black Girl excellence. She is me.

Like what you read? Pin Me!

If you’re on Instagram, be sure to check out the Black lives matter page and use university google to continue learning!